About the P.T.F.A
The Parent Teacher Friends Association (P.T.F.A) is a group of parent and teacher volunteers who work together to raise funds to pay for items which benefit the School and pupils which the normal School budget cannot usually afford.
All parents automatically become members of the P.T.F.A when their child joins our School and we welcome any parent to attend the regular P.T.F.A meetings where new fundraising ideas are discussed.
What do we do?
Our current fundraising objective is to secure funding to further enhance the children’s play areas.
Recent fundraising initiatives include the Autumn and Christmas Fayres, Secret Shopping for Mother’s Day, Easter Egg Decorating, Talent Show and the Summer Fayre.
The P.T.F.A are actively pursuing grants and we are keen to receive ideas for any organisations that could help us in our fundraising activities.